
About Rubén Llorente

Rubén with a Horse

I am a Spanish mechanical engineer, a system administrator and a fiction writer. I have published two fantasy novels and countless articles for different magazines. When I am not hacking, I can be found playing with horses.

Contact Information

My OpenPGP key can be downloaded from any popular keyserver and has the following fingerprint: 543F EB89 7FDE 8E33 AFF7 E794 E4AB 4807 58F7 6C76. The key contains my valid email addresses.

I can be reached using the following means of communication:

Notice that I have no account in any web based social network, such as Facebook or Twitter.

Alternative Ways to Acess this Site

A mirror of this site is offered over gopher protocol at gopher.operationalsecurity.es.

Users of DNS servers that are part of the Opennic network can find another mirror at gopher.corrin.gopher/opennic.